Protective Coverings for Hydraulic Tubing: What You Need to Know

Hydraulic systems require special protective coverings to ensure their longevity and performance. There are several types of protective coverings that can be used on tubing in a hydraulic system, including nylon covers, protective coils, thermoplastic hoses, and rubber hydraulic hoses. Each of these coverings has its own unique benefits and applications, so it's important to understand the differences between them in order to choose the best option for your system. Nylon covers are a popular choice for protecting a hose with a wrap.

These covers wrap around the entire hose assembly from end to end, while clamps hold it securely in place over the fittings at each end. Nylon is resistant to friction, cuts, and kinks, and provides an additional barrier of protection against environmental pollution such as oil or rain. Protective coils are another option for protecting hoses and cables. These coils are made of PE, HDPE, or PVC plastic and are designed to protect against abrasion, impact, or crushing. They are available in yellow or black versions and are often used to wrap groups of hoses or cables into bundles. Thermoplastic hoses are constructed from a nylon tube, synthetic fiber reinforcement, and a polyurethane cover.

They are often used in general hydraulic systems, material handling, forklifts, and nearby electrical systems. Thermoplastic hoses can withstand pressures similar to 1-wire and 2-wire hoses but can be installed in applications where rubber hoses with wire reinforcement would not work. The polyurethane cover is especially effective when abraded by a pulley on a forklift. In situations where electricity is an issue, such as in a bucket elevator to repair power lines, non-conductive thermoplastic hoses are ideal. Some hose manufacturers even offer improved hose designs with covers that are highly resistant to abrasion and wear.

The hydraulic hose is defined by its pressure capacity, so the pressure determines how the hose is constructed. Rubber hydraulic hoses are usually made of nitrile rubber and are compatible with most hydraulic fluids. They come in special designs for high temperatures (over 300°F) and low temperatures (-70°F). Protective sleeves made of dense polyester or polypropylene fabric can also be used to form bundles and protect pneumatic or hydraulic hoses. A wrapper not only protects the hose from premature wear but also protects the hydraulic system from catastrophic failure. Stainless steel hydraulic clamps can be used to seal larger diameter hoses when vibrations are an issue.

The current hose cover offers excellent resistance to abrasion from the factory and is designed to securely connect hoses to components of the hydraulic system such as valves, cylinders, and pumps.

Gabrielle Moore
Gabrielle Moore

Hardcore pop culture fan. Devoted beer practitioner. Certified web advocate. Social media scholar. Award-winning zombie fan. Passionate coffee maven.

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