How to Spot a Damaged or Worn Out Hydraulic Hose

Cracks, fragility, and other signs of aging are common indicators that a hydraulic hose is in need of replacement. If you notice any of these signs, such as cuts, corroded connections, kinks, flattened areas, slips, stiffness, or leaks, it is important to turn off your hydraulic equipment immediately. Failing to replace a worn-out hose can result in fines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or even the closure of your plant. When creating a repair quote for a hydraulic pump or motor, you will receive four price ranges.

The cause of a malfunctioning hose is often attributed to an incorrect selection of components, an incorrect assembly procedure, poor installation practice, or a combination of these factors. It is important to consider the components that accompany the hoses when determining how damaged the hose is. To ensure optimal safety before operating any associated equipment, it is important to inspect hydraulic hoses regularly. Learning how to care for the hose is essential, but it is also important to recognize the signs that a hose is already damaged.

To monitor the performance of the hose for damage, operate it normally and check for possible leaks or faults in the hose. Environmental factors, maintenance activities and daily wear and tear can all put stress on your hydraulic hoses. Knowing the telltale symptoms of a damaged hose will save you time and allow you to repair and replace parts quickly. Additionally, consider if your hydraulic hose is exposed to damage caused by external objects such as an excavator or crane where it can be hit and damaged by sharp or abrasive materials like sand or metal edges.

Similarly, hydraulic hose leaks can cause slips and falls, increase the risk of fire, or even damage other nearby equipment or materials due to high pressure. It may seem tedious at first but taking the time to inspect your hoses could save you from having to pay for a repair or complete replacement in the long run. If someone else is injured as a result of a failed hydraulic hose, they may file a lawsuit. Hydraulic machinery that requires these hoses includes pallet trucks, wheelchair lifts, conveyors, wood cutters and positive displacement pumps.

Gabrielle Moore
Gabrielle Moore

Hardcore pop culture fan. Devoted beer practitioner. Certified web advocate. Social media scholar. Award-winning zombie fan. Passionate coffee maven.

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